Much of the information on ADHD is derived from National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
What is it?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts an individual's ability to focus, sit still, and control behaviors and emotions. It can be identified through an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. It is often diagnosed in childhood, but many people aren’t diagnosed until adulthood. It can look different depending on the developmental stage an individual is at. It can also look different in males and females.
3 Types of ADHD Presentation:
Predominantly inattentive: An individual may have trouble staying on a task, staying focused, and/or staying organized, and these issues are not due to lack of comprehension.
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive: An individual may seem to move around constantly, fidget, or talk excessively, including in situations when it is not appropriate.
What causes it?
Currently, causes and risk factors for ADHD are unknown, but research implies that an individual’s genetics play an important role. Some other possible risk factors include:
Brain injury
Exposure to environmental risks (lead, other heavy metals) during pregnancy or at a young age
Alcohol/tobacco use during pregnancy
Premature delivery
Low birth weight
Oculomotor control deficiencies
Developmental disorders
What are the signs and and symptoms of ADHD?
In MALE adolescents:
Difficulty engaging in quiet or seated activities
Talking too much/too fast
Fidgeting, squirming, restlessness
Leaving seat, despite being expected to remain seated
Blurting out responses
Inability to wait turn
Seeming to be “on-the-go” or “driven by a motor”
Interrupting conversations
Running around/climbing during inappropriate times
Easily distracted
In FEMALE adolescents:
Inattention or distractibility
Restless energy
Talking too much/too fast
Forgetfulness, misplacing items
Careless mistakes
Issues with time management
Difficulties with executive functioning (organizing, planning)
May also experience…
Day dreaming/spacing out
Disorganized, messy
Poor academic performance
Difficulties with peer relationships
Low self-esteem
Emotional hyperactivity
More likely to have hyperactive-impulsive presentation | More likely to have inattentive presentation |
Externalizing behaviors | Internalizing behaviors |
Conduct issues common | Emotional issues are common |
Increased risk for school problems, relationship issues, substance use | Increased risk for school problems, relationship issues, substance use |
Disorganization and problems prioritizing
Poor time management skills
Problems focusing on a task
Trouble multitasking
Excessive activity or restlessness
Poor planning
Low frustration tolerance
Mood swings
Issues following through and completing tasks
Hot temper
Trouble coping with stress
Other complications include…
Financial problems
Substance misuse
Frequent car accidents
Poor physical/mental health
Poor self-image
The BBRS Individualized Targeted Approach
Our first step to identify ADHD solutions is always to identify which regions of the brain are functioning out of balance. Some regions may be under performing and others may be over performing. we know that the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex is critical for executive function and that the Cerebellum allows your brain to perform better and faster, but we can't just activate those two regions and expect the best. It is vital to begin by calibrating foundational systems such as the Visual, Vestibular and Somatosensory systems together.
Step One: Restoring the brains foundation first with our Gravity Rest Method will provide the best chance to succeed with the subsequent targeted therapeutic applications.
Step Two: Balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
Step Three: Building endurance in the cerebellum and the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex with specialized eye movement training applications such as the Focus Builder App and RightEye biofeedback exercises.
Step Four: Accelerate the brain's healing response with Pulse PEMF therapy on the brain and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
Proper diet and lifestyle recommendations will enhance the healing process to ensure the 3 non-negotiables are not interfering with progress. The 3 non-negotiables
are Sleep, Pooping, and Balance Blood Sugar.
For more information about The Gravity Reset Method, take a look at the video bellow or read The Gravity Reset Method blog.