God created foods provide good energy to the human body
Man created (processed) foods provides bad energy to the human body
Good energy = optimal mental, physical and spiritual function
Bad energy = metabolic dysfunction, disease, poor mental, physical and spiritual function. It is the root of disease.
In the US we are facing an unprecedented threat to humanity. Sugar and ultra-processed foods impact your mental and physical health
There is a life-threatening class of food that occupies 73% of the shelves in grocery stores, called ultra processed foods which is made to taste great and be addictive.
There are 10,000 chemicals are found in the US food supply that are banned in Europe.
Ultra processed foods are responsible for 75% of healthcare expenditure and they change you, your mind, your health and threatens your spiritual health.
Health problems related to sugar and ultra-processed foods
Chronic systemic Inflammation (diet)
Insulin resistance & diabetes (Sugar)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Linked to insulin resistance)
Acne (elevated glucose levels driving hormonal changes)
Depression (has a strong link to gut health)
Sinus infections and migraines: (linked to high blood sugar)
Hearing loss (linked to Insulin resistance)
Autoimmune conditions (Strong metabolic link)
Prevalence of conditions associated with sugar and ultra-processed foods and how they impact your mental and physical health
Chronic pain: 20% of the US population (related to diet)
In men sperm count has dropped 50-60% in the past decade.
In women Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the lead cause of infertility. The NIH proposed to rename it metabolic reproductive syndrome (sugar metabolism).
Chronic fatigue: 10-30% of all US doctors visits are for symptoms of fatigue.
67% of people in the US experience fatigue at work
70% of people in the US experience sleep issues
90% of people in the US consume caffeine daily
85% of postmenopausal women have mental and physical exhaustion
Since the 1970’s childhood obesity has more than tripled
The first case of nonalcoholic liver disease was reported in children in 1983. Now 20% of children have it.
Epidemic levels of children mental illness (20% of children)
According to JAMA Pediatrics. In ages 3-17, anxiety & depression increased 29% between 2016 and 2020.
Other metabolic conditions: dementia, stroke, heart disease, respiratory disease, arthritis… (conditions associated with diet)
73% of the US diet is Ultra-Processed
Definition of food: absorbed to sustain life and growth
Effects of ultra-processed food in your body:
Inhibits bone growth
Block nutrient absorption
Provides little to no energy and often robs you of energy
Verses (Living as those made alive in Christ)
Col 3:1 …..you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Col 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (things from above?)
Col 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Can you have peace when your body is inflamed by an immune response?
Can you have peace when you can’t sleep well and you are irritable?
Can you have peace when you don’t eliminate waste out of your body fast enough?
Your body heals and your brain detoxes when you sleep.
Dr Noel’s perspective is: to let the peace of Christ rule in your heart, set your mind on God, consume what He created for you to live on, and avoid the things that separate you from him.
Maintain good blood sugar balance (metabolic health)
Gastrointestinal health: Poop frequency and quality (microbiome health)
Sleep quality and quantity (balanced autonomics nervous system)
The heroes of this story: Protein, Fat & Fiber
The villains: Sugar & Ultra-processed foods
Fiber can reduce caloric absorption
Eat 160 calories of almonds, you get 130, the other 30 is shielded and carried to the gut microbiome by fiber to feed bacteria.
Types of sugars matter
Glucose is essential in the human body and is the best source of energy which is metabolized by all organs.
Protein and Fat can be converted into sugar via gluconeogenesis.
Fructose has no purpose in the human body and is harmful (metabolized in the liver)
Too much will cause fatty liver disease and insulin resistance
Fructose in fruit is ok because it is paired with fiber
Fructose can be found in:
Honey, agave nectar, and molasses
Dried fruits, canned fruits, and fruit juices
Sauces, salad dressings, and condiments
Breakfast cereals with whole wheat, oats, and fruits
Candy, baked goods, and sodas
Fructose inhibits 3 enzymes required for energy production
Sucrose (crystalized) is the type of sugar we have had for a long time (Cane sugar is an example)
Sucrose composition: Glucose & Fructose bound together
High Fructose Corn Syrup (liquid)
HFCS composition: Glucose & Fructose unbound which makes it more harmful
Insulin Hormone
Your dietary goal for optimal health should be to utilize as little insulin as possible
Insulin: Essential for storing excessive sugar absorption into fat
Glucose does not require insulin to end up in muscle
Insulin protects you from excessive sugar which can be very dangerous
Cancer cells have 50 times more insulin receptors
Insulin is activated by sugar and branched chain fatty acid in processed foods
The best sugar alternative: Monk Fruit (sweeter, no effect on blood sugar)
Nova classifies food into four groups:
Unprocessed or minimally processed foods Ideal! (Apple whole, peeled or cut)
Unprocessed or Natural foods are obtained directly from plants or animals and do not undergo any alteration following their removal from nature.
Minimally processed foods are natural foods that have been submitted to cleaning, removal of inedible or unwanted parts, fractioning, grinding, drying, fermentation, pasteurization, cooling, freezing, or other processes that may subtract part of the food, but which do not add oils, fats, sugar, salt or other substances to the original food.
Processed culinary ingredients Acceptable! (cinnamon added to applesauce)
Group 2 is also called Processed Culinary Ingredients. These are products extracted from natural foods or from nature by processes such as pressing, grinding, crushing, pulverizing, and refining. They are used in homes and restaurants to season and cook food and thus create varied and delicious dishes and meals of all types, including broths and soups, salads, pies, breads, cakes, sweets, and preserves. Use oils, fats, salt, and sugar in small amounts for seasoning and cooking foods and to create culinary preparations. As long as they are used in moderation in culinary preparations based on natural or minimally processed foods, oils, fats, salt, and sugar contribute toward diverse and delicious diets without rendering them nutritionally unbalanced.
Processed foods Acceptable in small quantities! (Apple sauce with cinnamon, maybe added sugar, likely precooked, etc…)
Processed foods are products manufactured by industry with the use of salt, sugar, oil or other substances (Group 2) added to natural or minimally processed foods (Group 1) to preserve or to make them more palatable. They are derived directly from foods and are recognized as versions of the original foods. They are usually consumed as a part of or as a side dish in culinary preparations made using natural or minimally processed foods. Most processed foods have two or three ingredients.
Ultra-processed foods (73% of the US food supply) Avoid: dangerous if consumed! (McDonalds apple pie)
Ultra-processed foods specifically can cause health problems, including increased risk of obesity and cancer
Industrial formulations with five or more ingredients
Ultra-processed foods are industrial formulations made entirely or mostly from substances extracted from foods (oils, fats, sugar, starch, and proteins), derived from food constituents (hydrogenated fats and modified starch), or synthesized in laboratories from food substrates or other organic sources (flavor enhancers, colors, and several food additives used to make the product hyper-palatable). Manufacturing techniques include extrusion, moulding and preprocessing by frying. Beverages may be ultra-processed. Group 1 foods are a small proportion of, or are even absent from, ultra-processed products.
In 2014, the Ministry of Health of Brazil published new dietary guidelines based in part on Nova
Make natural or minimally processed foods, in great variety, mainly of plant origin, and preferably produced with agroecological methods, the basis of your diet.
Use oils, fats, salt and sugar in small amounts for seasoning and cooking foods and to create culinary preparations.
Limit the use of processed foods, consuming them in small amounts as ingredients in culinary preparations or as part of meals based on natural or minimally processed foods.
Avoid ultra-processed products
Actions Steps in getting sugar and ultra-processed foods out to improve your health
Add more God created foods in their natural state
Vegetables, eggs, meats, fish, fruit, raw nuts, water
Remove ultra-processed foods
look up NOVA class 1-4 NOVA-Classification-Reference-Sheet.pdf
Class 1-3 are fine
Avoid ultra-processed foods (class 4) they are unsafe & harmful
Avoid sugar
Monk Fruit is Dr Noel’s #1 sugar alternative
Educate yourself about sugar
Robert Lustig Robert Lustig Website | Promoting global metabolic health and nutrition.
Here is the recorded presentation covering everything discussed in this blog.