The United States is the biggest consumer of sugar on the globe. The country's per capita sugar consumption is 126.4 grams daily. That translates to more than ten times the lowest recommended intake of 11 grams per day. Sugar is harmful because it causes significant inflammation in the body, it is highly addictive and it pushes you towards life threatening diseases even at a young age.
Conditions associated with higher intake of refined sugar
Increase systemic inflammation
Causes low blood flow to the “Focus” part of your brain
Lower cognitive function, memory, and intelligence
Increase risk of insulin resistance
Metabolic syndrome (High blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, excess body fat around the waist. Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
Type 2 diabetes
Decreases the brain’s ability to repair injury
Limits the body’s ability to process omega 3 fatty acids
Exert long term molecular changes in the brain, especially the hippocampus (memory and emotional regulation)
Increased risk for depression
Shortens life span by 5 years or more
Harmful to hippocampus, emotional regulation, memory, brain fog, confusion
Cancer cells have 50 times more insulin receptors than normal cells and the feed on sugar.
Refined sugar affects body types differently
In obese adolescents:
Blood flow to the prefrontal cortex decreases (executive function)
Blood flow to the hypothalamus increases (appetite)
In lean adolescents:
Blood flow to the prefrontal cortex increases (executive function)
Blood flow to the hypothalamus does not change (appetite)
30 known health problems associated with sugar consumption
Can cause heart disease
Can cause tooth decay
Feeds cancer
Can cause depression
Can weaken eyesight
Can cause cataracts
Contributes to obesity
Can cause diabetes
Dehydrates newborns
Causes constipation
Can make your skin age by changing the structure of collagen
Can cause premature aging
Causes varicose veins
Can cause hyperactivity in children
Can cause crankiness in children
Difficulty concentrating in children
Can cause anxiety in children
Can cause hormonal imbalance – some hormones become underactive and others overactive
Can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease
Can cause mild memory loss
Can make PMS worse
Can slow down the ability of adrenal glands to function
Can suppress the immune system
Can decrease testosterone production
Increases estradiol in men
Can damage the pancreas
Can increase cholesterol
Can interfere with the absorption of protein
Interferes with body’s absorption of calcium and magnesium
Can produce a significant rise in triglycerides
And, if you'd like to learn more about healthy eating habits, please watch this recent lecture we conducted at our offices: